
Marketing at Atum
Marina Arnaout comes from a Marketing Communications background with expertise in variety of mediums ranging from TV to out-of-home advertising. Finding her niche in the digital realm, she is a frequent contributor to industry publications often covering technology and new media trends. Marina is a marketing ninja at Atum IT(www.atum.com) - a leading VPS provider and your trusty IT outsourcer. For more exciting tech trends and news, you can follow Marina on Twitter (www.twitter.com/atumIT) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/AtumIT).
Posts by MarinaArnaout

How to Tell Your Host is Fully Dedicated
by MarinaArnaout - 2010-11-11 11:10:25 in Choose your Host

As leading dedicated VPS hosting providers, I will give you four very important Atum pointers in your search for a fully dedicated resources provider. We are experts at being greedy so I would take these into evaluation with each and every host you come across that claims to be dedicated.


Shared VS Dedicated Hosting for the Non IT Savvy
by MarinaArnaout - 2010-08-30 09:22:16 in General Information

Sure all you IT savvy people easily understand the difference between shared hosting and dedicated hosting but have you ever found it difficult to explain to someone that thinks hosting means throwing a party?


How to Choose a Hosting Provider
by MarinaArnaout - 2010-08-27 09:20:46 in Choose your Host

Being IT & hosting industry veterans, we know firsthand that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of server and webhosting providers. For the server hosting provider, it’s a tough cut throat market that can mean game over if a hosting company fails to meet customer demand. On the other end, this means a wide range of options for the client to choose from with companies all fighting for their business….
