Best Cloud Computing Providers - January 2011

Best Cloud Computing Providers Awards show those companies that offer outstanding performance and value for cloud computing servers. Deploy and scale effortlessly in the abstracted global computing cloud. Included in the reviewing process are the price, technology, reliabilty and overall performance of the hosting company.
Storm On Demand is a proprietary cloud computing platform and server hosting infrastructure developed by Liquid Web Inc's software development staff. Storm On Demand makes it quick and easy to deploy and manage cloud servers from within a web browser. Storm features include instant server setup, utility style hourly billing, ability to clone server images, easy server scaling and complete backup/restoration capabilities.
NaviSite's Managed Dedicated Hosting solutions integrate the latest technology including Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Linux and VMware® ESX, and feature dual hard drives, RAID, Intel® Xeon® server grade processors, Intrusion Protection and other industry leading features. All solutions are hosted in NaviSite operated enterprise grade SAS 70 Type II certified data centers, with best-in-class technology and design including N+1systems for power and cooling for guaranteed availability and performance.
Datapipe has been in the managed services business since 1998. DataPipe is one of the first companies to offer a comprehensive suite of managed hosting services.
Bodhost is a Dedicated Server Hosting and Virtual Private Server provider established in 1999. The company's emphasis has always been on performance, coupled with dedicated server solutions for optimizing and accelerating network. Their Data Center are based in the Chicago Facility of Hurricane Electric as well as Montreal, QC, Canada.

Cloud.com delivers an innovative open source software platform forlaunching either public or private cloud environments – delivering allof the essential components used to build, deploy and manage multi-tierand multi-tenant cloud applications in a fully integrated softwarepackage. With the Cloud.com CloudStack, customers can quickly and easilybuild cloud services within their existing infrastructure and startrealizing the benefits of this new IT service within minutes without theoverhead of integration, professional services, and complex deploymentschedules.
The company specializes in IaaS. Their cloud services are: Cloud Sites, Cloud Servers, Cloud Files.
DediPower is a leading UK provider of managedhosting and data centre solutions. They provides innovative solutions and expertisein dedicated managed hosting, managed private cloud, virtualisation,multi-server clusters, security, business continuity and co-locationservices.
1&1 IONOS is the hosting and cloud partner of choice for small and medium-sized businesses. We are experts in IaaS and offer a portfolio of solutions to get businesses present online and working in the digital space. As the largest hosting company in Europe, we manage more than 8 million customer contracts and host more than 12 million domains in our own regional data centers around the globe.
GoGrid Cloud Servers support a variety of Linux and Windows operating systems with preinstalled software, such as IIS, Apache, PHP, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL. Our Server images allow you to quickly deploy a single server or build a load balanced server network in just a few clicks without having to spend time installing software.
CloudLinux provides hosting companies anddatacenters with the only commercially supported Linux operating system(OS) optimized for their needs. The new technology behind CloudLinux hasbeen proven to increase density, stability and performance, helpingcustomers realize reduced operating costs and increased profitability.
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