Joel Sussman

Joel Sussman
SEO Specialist at Mountain Media

Joel Sussman is an search engine marketing specialist with Mountain Media, a PCI compliant/CISP-certified ecommerce web hosting, web design, and SEO company, based in Saratoga Springs, NY.

Posts by Joel Sussman

Ecommerce Web Hosting Should be Cost Effective, not Cheap
by Joel Sussman - 2008-10-08 02:30:39 in Choose your Host

Choosing an ecommerce web hosting provider that will be dependable and responsive to your needs is a lot like placing a bet in a high stakes crap shoot.While price is certainly a consideration, "cheap web hosting" can often be more of a headache than it's worth. From a business management point of view, saving $20 or even $50 a month isn't going to be much of a consolation if your company is losing thousands of dollars in sales due to excessive downtime, functionality problems, or horrendous customer service. ...more