Hemal Patel

Hemal Patel

I have successfully started a web hosting company on February of 2009 that I manage maybe once a week. I will not disclose the name of my company for many reasons, but I will show you how you can do what I did and earn a stable monthly income, maybe even earn a 5 figure salary!. My website shows you a lot of my trial and errors throughout my project, so you can avoid the headaches and benefit from the good things that I teach you about how to start your own web hosting company!

Posts by Hemal Patel

Brand Your Web Hosting Company the Right Way
by Hemal Patel - 2009-10-08 01:48:17 in Marketing

Branding is an important aspect for some of you guys who want to go beyond making some extra cash each month and really starting a web hosting empire. ...more