FireHost Evangelist

FireHost Evangelist

FireHost is the leading Secure Web Hosting company that provides managedhosting solutions with enterprise-level security. FireHost has beendelivering unmatched levels of website security, network redundancy, andbandwidth performance to clients around the world since 2006.

Posts by FireHost Evangelist

Scheduled Scaling: More Resources When You Need Them, Less When You Don't
by FireHost Evangelist - 2011-12-21 08:15:05 in Cloud Computing

Do you need to adjust your server resources for an event tomorrow, next week, or next month? Expecting a spike in traffic, but just for a few days? Scaling resources up and down on your Secure Cloud Servers just got more convenient. We’re excited to announce that scheduled scaling is available today.


Major Storage Upgrade - Improved Speed And Stability
by FireHost Evangelist - 2011-12-19 02:04:34 in Cloud Computing

Over the past year FireHost’s secure hosting environment has experienced tremendous growth as customers increasingly demand the scalability and control of the cloud in a secure hostingenvironment. In our effort to continually strive for industry-leading performance, we are excited to announce the official launch of our new enterprise Dell Compellent SAN + Brocade Fibre Channel storage platform.
