
Blog hosting. The standards of quality

2007-10-10by Anna Berk

The world changes. So do the life and work standards. The standards of IT business change very quickly. All that seemed to be up-to-date as recently as yesterday, today seems to be absolutely fusty.

Even if we take a look at Internet growth, one can notice how the attitute towards network projects is being changed. The most dramatic example is web sites that are being hosted on free web hosting platforms.

In the early 21st century those web sites were quite popular. All social gropus - schoolboys, students, office workers, writers used to use free web hosting services. Often even corporate web sites were hosted on free hosting.

However the time passed, Internet "grew up" and the standards have changed. Webmasters started to think not only about creating a web site but more about creating a professional web project for which free web hosting is apparently not suitable. People started to register domain name, oder paid reliable web hosting services and hire professional web designers and developpers.

This trend has changed the attitute towards web sited hosted on a free web hosting. Now more and more people think that one should better have no web site at all that the one hosted on a free hosting with million of ads.

And that is right. Everything should be solid, reliable and professional. And web hosting is no exception.

Blogosphere came to this idea much later. If nowadays web site on a free hosting may call depreciation, the blog hosted in a free blog platform is still considered to be a normal thing.

How long do you give this state of things? Definitely a short while. The most long-sighted bloggers right now register a domain name to create a stand-alone blog on it and search for a blog hosting services. Since they new, shortly this wil become a generally accepted standard of blogosphere.

Transferring blog on another hosting is like moving in a new flat. The more things - the harder is the move itself. The backlinks and PR might be lost. It is also hard to moove blog archive because of internal links in blog posts.

That is why the earlier you move - the better. And the best thing is start from the very beginning with the paid quality blog hosting with Wordpress preinstalled and free domain name to create your own stand alone blog.

As stand alone blog will give you numerous opportunities such as real independence on a paid web hosting and a great chance for unlimited income!

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Anna Berk

Eskhosting Anna Berk - CRM director of Eskhosting - reliable web hosting services providerEskhosting provides shared web hosting services on Linux platform withcustom plans available. You get free setup, free ssl certificate, freedomain name registration for a year. PHP 5 and 4 support, MySQL 5support. View Anna Berk`s profile for more

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