
How do I get unlimited bandwidth web hosting?

2006-10-30by Elsayed Ezz

As the Web hosting market has grown more and more competitive over the years, hosting companies have increasingly begun to tout “unlimited bandwidth” or “unmetered bandwidth” as a major selling point of their hosting plans. These claims are generally seen as nothing more than a marketing ploy. After all, no Web hosting company could truly offer you unlimited bandwidth, since the bandwidth of the hosting company, network, and even the Internet itself is physically limited.

Ok, let’s be fair here. The limitations I’m talking about are almost incomprehensible and would never be reached by a single site. This is the gray area between truth and falsehood upon which marketing claims feed.The simple truth is that bandwidth costs money. It costs your Web hosting company money, which in turn costs you money. The more megabytes of bandwidth your hosting company gives you for your dollar, the less profit they make. The only reason that a Web host is able to make unlimited bandwidth incentives possible is because most websites use only a fraction of the bandwidth available to them. The more websites a hosting company hosts, the easier it is for them to make very accurate predictions about how much will actually be used. If those predictions tell them that over the course of any given month the large traffic spikes will be averaged out and still remain profitable, then they can safely offer unlimited bandwidth and remain profitable.

Chances are high that sooner or later as your online business expands and prospers, you will need to move away from small hosting accounts to unlimited hosting account. There are various reasons why somebody would require this sort of hosting account but for the purposes of this article, we will focus on how to acquire it.

You will be looking for a low-cost web host who is reliable and has minimal downtime and an excellent reputation. Identifying such a web host will not be easy. To start with the number of low cost web hosts online these days is enormous and still growing fast.

Unlimited Bandwidth is a web hosting plan feature that deals with the transfer or traffic your website has. Each visitor to your website uses server resources, these resources aren't free. Unless, of course, if you have unlimited bandwidth web hosting. With unlimited bandwidth hosting you can have as much traffic to your website has you want - your hosting account has "un-metered bandwidth." This is a very hard hosting plan feature to find because of the potential for server abuse by some websites. However, once you find unlimited bandwidth web hosting, you can sleep easy knowing that your website has find cheap unlimited bandwidth web hosting and bandwidth transfer is not a concern.

Since unlimited bandwidth is so challenging to locate, we've done a search of our complete hosting index and come up with a top-quality unlimited bandwidth web hosting company for you to check out! Our #1 top Yahoo ranking  is called gotounlimited.com and can be found by clicking here. Their Unlimited Bandwidth Hosting plan starts at only $4.95/month and you get that coveted un-metered bandwidth - that is to say unlimited bandwidth hosting. We have found gotounlimited.com to be capable of offering cheap unlimited bandwidth web hosting while being able to maintain server uptime and reliability. Their no-limit bandwidth policy lets you not have to worry each month about checking your site's plan to avoid bandwidth surcharges. Plus, you can get free unlimited bandwidth web hosting for a 30 day-trial period - you don't even need a credit card!

Copyright , Mr. Elsayed Ezz

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