
Know Your Tech: Cloud Computing Vs The Internet Of Things

2020-11-18by Kelly Reed

The internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing are two technologies that we hear about on a regular basis. They form a solid foundation of many of our systems. The internet of things, in particular, is going to be very disruptive in how it’s going to alter the way that we use our devices. The new level of connectivity that the internet of things is bound to grant us will also open up a new world of possibilities.


Cloud computing, on the other hand, is a technology that we’ve become very familiar with because of its many uses. It has revolutionized the way that many businesses run, and it even birthed an industry of its own in how SaaS and Paas functions.


To the uninitiated, these two technologies may seem similar, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Knowing the difference between cloud computing and the internet of things will help beginners understand how they synergize.


Difference In Function

While both cloud computing and the internet of things are technologies that facilitate connectivity, they differ in that cloud computing involves the delivery of data to data centers via the internet. Cloud computing has six categories:


  • Software as a service
  • Platform as a service
  • Infrastructure as a service
  • Public cloud
  • Private cloud
  • Hybrid cloud


On the other hand, the internet of things refers to the ability of devices to connect to the internet and with each other. Devices can include anything from home appliances, smartphones, and even cars. As the internet of things develops further, more devices will be able to connect to the internet. This also means that these devices can become sources of data.


How Cloud Computing Complements the Internet of Things

As previously mentioned, with more devices connected to the internet, there’s going to be more sources of data, which means that companies will be able to collect more user data.


Since cloud computing platforms are particularly effective at processing huge amounts of data, they are the perfect platforms to use alongside IoT. Not only this, but because cloud computing platforms are highly scalable, companies that need this new data processed aren’t going to have difficulty in adapting to a major influx of user data.


The Next Step: Edge Computing

Not everything needs to be processed in the cloud. Edge computing provides a means to process data at local devices instead of via the cloud or off-site data centers. Instead of local devices sending their data to the cloud, they instead send the data gathered to a nearby edge computing device. The premise behind the use of an edge computing device is because many IoT-capable devices lack computing power.


This means that they have to upload the data to a central location. Depending on the distance between the IoT device and the central server, the transmission is either going to go smoothly or it’s going to suffer from major latency issues. Edge computing is also going to save companies a lot of money because the processing of the data can be done locally. It’s also for this reason that companies like McKinstry Wireless are essential for a proper IoT implementation.


When you have a better understanding of how technologies interact, you’re better able to implement these technologies for your benefit. Cloud computing and the internet of things are a prime example of how technologies can complement each other.

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