Linkage Between Analytical Thinking And Creative Writing
Experts explained writing, beyond its communicative purposes, also serves as a vehicle for abstract and analytical thinking allowing the writer to clarify and organize thoughts and generate ideas. Universities are frequently blamed for suppressing the creativity of students. Creative writing has been encouraged within universities but little documented research has been done regarding its effectiveness Creativity is a standout amongst the most critical speculation abilities teachers can encourage in understudies. Obama hailed it as the establishment for advancement that will lead the United States to prevail in the 21st century. In his State of the Union Address, President Obama (2011) established the urgency for increased emphasis on creativity in education when he stated, “The first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation.”
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills further emphasized the importance of preparing students for the future by stating, “We need to recognize that a 21st century education is the bedrock of competitiveness—the engine, not simply an input, of the economy”, it has been quoted by Online Dissertations Help. Throughout the Industrial Age, western society operated on analytical forms of thinking and automated approaches to work. Universitys have been based on an early 20th century factory model of operation. That way of thinking about work and education is changing as the States enters a new age. The economy is shifting from a manufacturing base to a service-based economy dependent on information, knowledge, and innovation.
Technology advances have thrust the countries into a global economy in which all participants have an equal opportunity to contribute. In order to continue to compete successfully in such an environment, the workforce will need to be able to think more creatively and innovatively than ever before, as it is stated by famous Dissertations Writing Service expert. As the global economy grows, and as universitys, businesses, and individuals mold their roles into a new and different paradigm, creativity and innovation will play a central role in an organization’s or an individual’s success. Researchers made this bold statement: “Promoting new kinds of learning fundamentally depends on creativity”.
Teachers must teach differently in the 21st century to improve student learning and student lives. As life-long learners, teachers must be in a continuous process of professional growth in an effort to improve learning for all students, because universitys are undergoing tremendous shifts in practice in the 21st century. Professional development must include training not only in the instruction and assessment of core academic subject, but also in 21st century themes and skills. If educators are to develop and improve creative and critical thinking skills in students, they must identify conditions that are favourable within the classroom setting and come to understand factors that affect teaching creative and critical thinking in the elementary classroom. Expressive writing is a necessary skill for students in most areas of their educational experience and when they enter the work force. Despite this fact, many university graduates do not have an adequate command of written language. In addition, within most university systems, writing is scheduled in controlled block times to meet the needs of the institution, although this does not facilitate the best writing pieces. Until recently, the focus of evaluating children's writing has been on the structural analysis of the writing and not on the quality of the content.
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