
What's Missing From Your Site's Security?

2017-07-18by Eileen O'Shanassy

Whether it's credit card information being stolen from your online business or extreme situations where hackers take control of a site and hold it for ransom, online and technological security has become very important in today's business world. Because of this, businesses big and small are evaluating their site security and looking for ways to upgrade their systems. Much like a home security system, online security systems must be multi-layered to offer maximum protection. If you think you've got some key aspects missing from your site, here are some things to consider.


Web Application Firewall

The first line of defense against hackers, a web application firewall is akin to having a deadbolt lock on the front door of your house. Designed to inspect incoming traffic and weed out any malicious requests, these can protect against spam, SQL injections, and other types of online attacks. Since these are offered as plug-and-pay services and are cloud-based, they can be rented and therefore don't require a business to hire network security specialists for their staff.



Known as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure, this secure communications protocol transfers sensitive information between a website and a web server. By using this technique, businesses can add an additional layer of security to their site. While HTTPS is essential for any online transactions, it's also becoming increasingly important when it comes to search engine rankings. Now that Google has announced this will be a major factor in its search rankings, it's imperative for businesses to make the switch as soon as possible to boost credibility and give customers more satisfaction and security.


Disguise Admin Directories

Since hackers love to go directly into admin directories, disguising them makes plenty of sense. However, a vast majority of businesses fail to do so, which can lead to numerous problems. To solve this problem, simply rename your admin folders with titles that sound as plain as possible, which will leave hackers frustrated and ready to move on to other sites that will be easier to compromise. Considered a basic and easy way to increase site security, most cybersecurity experts are amazed at how many businesses fail to use this technique.


Strong Passwords

Surprisingly, most companies still use passwords that are far too easy for hackers to figure out. To combat this, create passwords that are unique and contain combinations of numbers, letters, and symbols. In addition, change them regularly to keep hackers off balance. 


Physical Security

Don’t skip on protecting your actual hardware as well as your online business. Keep your computers, employees, and equipment safe by installing good physical security around your building or office. A simple home security system can work well as a small business just starting out, and bigger packages might be necessary depending on the size of your business.


By using these online security techniques, chances are, your site's security will be much more difficult for hackers to penetrate. Use these and other protection to keep your business, transactions, and customers safe. What security tools have worked for your business in the past?

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Eileen O'Shanassy

Eileen O'Shanassy is a freelance writer and blogger based out of Flagstaff, AZ. She writes on a variety of topics and loves to research and write. She enjoys baking, biking, and kayaking. Check out her Twitter @eileenoshanassy.

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