
Some Businesses Scoring Big-time With Hadoop

2015-07-15by Adam Groff

Big data can sometimes be a complicated process, which is why more and more businesses are turning to Hadoop.

The open-source framework of Hadoop helps take the guesswork out of data storage and processing.

Here are a number of businesses that have already turned to Hadoop as well as some of the benefits that go along with the big data technology:


Businesses Using Hadoop

When it comes to data management, companies of all kinds are turning to the open-source benefits of Hadoop.

As data sets continue to grow, Hadoop's framework will become increasingly important to the data distribution process. That's why different types of businesses have already adopted a Hadoop mindset.

Among them:

• Ecommerce - Online shopping websites like eBay use Hadoop to handle massive amounts of customer and merchant data. From managing customer information to processing purchases and merchandise, Hadoop is helping the Ecommerce world run more efficiently.

• Utilities Companies - The utility industry is processing massive data sets every day. Collecting data from smart meters and energy consumption rates from local power grids is all in a day's work. As a result, utilities companies use Hadoop to better track and analyze the energy data homeowners and businesses produce.

• Travel Websites</i> - As the article “Who's using Hadoop and what are they using it for?” looks at, well, online travel companies were an early adopter of big data and hadoop technology. With Hadoop, travel websites like Orbitz can process large amounts of travel data including flight and hotel information from multiple worldwide destinations.

Along with the advantages above, Hadoop software offers businesses plenty of other big data benefits.


Data Security

As cybercrime continues to evolve, security breaches will start to become commonplace in the business world. Fortunately, Hadoop technology can handle just about every level of security breach, including breaches that target databases.

With Hadoop, business of all sizes can speed up the forensics process that goes along with breaches.

By analyzing server logs, Hadoop can help businesses pinpoint where breaches take place and how they've affected servers. This allows companies to adapt their security techniques and fend off future attacks.


Social Media Processing

Many of today's businesses market their brands, products, and services on social media. As a result, social media data is skyrocketing, which is where Hadoop comes into play.

With Hadoop, businesses can gather valuable marketing insights by processing social data from sites like Facebook and Twitter.


By mining data from social sites, businesses are able to analyze in-house social data as well as data from competitors.

With this type of data, businesses can increase their social visibility based on the real-time, targeted information that Hadoop provides.


Customer Segmentation

Data can tell a business a lot about its customers, but only if it's segmented.

Hadoop provides clickstream data that gives businesses the ability to analyze exactly how visitors are interacting with their site.

The clickstream data that Hadoop provides makes it possible for businesses to segment and change how each customer interacts with their site, which helps improve conversions.


With Hadoop, businesses are changing the way they collect and process data of all kinds.

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Adam Groff

Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including health and technology.

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