
Think Reseller Web Hosting for Home Business

2011-03-30by Jems Konary

Reseller Web Hosting

Everyone possesses the desire to run a successful business and offering an exciting business opportunity is the chance of becoming a website hosting reseller. All that is required to become a reseller is to be able to offer excellent hosting facilities to website owners. Here as a business owner, one is needed to buy large amount of space from a reputed hosting company and redistribute that hosting space to other website owners. Ideally, reseller web hosting companies are those who rent time and space from another web host’s server and then offer it to their clients. Benefits of reseller hosting

  • Becoming a website hosting reseller is quite a profitable venture as the host offers a bunch of interesting features, superior quality, personalized attention and fulfills all the requirements that a website owner may have.
  • As a website hosting reseller, you can use the amount of space you may need for your own websites and then lease out the remaining space and bandwidth. This way you get use the hosting services at no additional cost at the same time earn from it too by leasing out the services.
  • A website hosting reseller also has the option to pick and choose their servers and therefore they are in a better position to offer the best of services to the customers.
  • Becoming a website hosting reseller can be quite a profitable venture because reseller host can purchase a certain amount of hosting service at a particular rate and then recover the cost and even make profit by redistributing it.
  • The income generated through website hosting reseller is residual in nature because for the same service one is paid either on a month or on a yearly basis.
  • Once one chooses to become a website hosting reseller, one can even opt to offer technical and customer support at a nominal fee or can even further increase the revenue by recruiting more resellers and therefore earning regular commission.

After see all above benefits now you confused how to find professional website hosting providers for best reseller hosting plans. Doesn’t worry found it through Google or also contact with your local web host who provides your affordable reseller hosting plans.

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Jems Konary

Jems Konary


HostingOnWeb (www.hostingonweb.com) is professional website hosting company in India. Weoffering different type of web hosting services including web hosting,joomla hosting, wordpress hosting, osCommerce hosting, forum hosting,VPS hosting, dedicated hosting with our best hosting plans ans fearuterswhic suits as per your budget and requirement. Also we provides hostingreseller services for linux hosting

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