Valerie Baker

Valerie Baker

The BYOD boom has made life much easier for Valerie, a busy professional who's always on the go.

Posts by Valerie Baker

Taking Notice Of International BYOD Practices
by Valerie Baker - 2014-01-23 02:15:27 in General Information

If you run a U.S.-based and international office, it's important to keep them on the same page. If your company is part of the 44 percent of businesses that ZDNet has found participates in BYOD policies, or the 18 percent who are going to add a policy within the next 12 months, consider the impact on your international office. You may have everything working smoothly at your domestic headquarters, but you feel that BYOD would benefit your international efforts as well. Because of different laws in other countries surrounding liability, hardware availability and technology infrastructure, you need to adapt and adjust your policies so they're a help, not a hindrance, to your overseas offices.
