Jhon Smith

Jhon Smith

The author is associated with Box.com which offers state-of-the-art unlimited online storage, online storage and online document storage services for businesses and individuals alike.

Posts by Jhon Smith

When To Avoid Cloud Storage
by Jhon Smith - 2013-09-04 04:12:31 in Cloud Computing

Services which provide online storage have been available for a long time, well before the term "the Cloud" came to describe any service which happens via the internet at an off-site location. Many people are familiar with uploading files for backup or for sharing, and it can be a big convenience to keep data where it is easily accessible. This is all the more true with people accessing their files and doing work on mobile devices, a trend which is not slowing down. There are some important caveats about using online document storage, though, which you may need to think about.
