Freya Jordan

Freya Jordan

I am software developer at SysTools, Florida, USA. SysTools has a worldwide name in providing the most successful data recovery and backup recovery tool. The Google Apps backup tool is one such creation of our company to help Google apps users to backup the data.

Posts by Freya Jordan

Google Apps Backup Tool For Complete Backup Creation
by Freya Jordan - 2013-08-14 02:08:08 in Cloud Computing

Introduction of a cloud computing model has completely flipped the scenario of data storage and management in various organizations. Now they are more interested in keeping their GB and TB’s of data on a cloud storage system rather than keeping it within their walls. The only reason for going on cloud is to cut off the maintenance and administration cost in which organization or institutions have to invest a lot and that too without any assurance of getting 100 Uptime and data availability.
