
URLJet Launches File Guardian Web Backup Service for Hosted vBulletin Message Boards

03:12:58 - 23 July 2008

With File Guardian, a fully managed service available only from URLJet, even busy vBulletin message boards are backed up continuously

EDMOND, Okla. (July 23, 2008) – URLJet (http://www.urljet.com), the largest and only exclusive provider of vBulletin message board Web hosting, announced today the launch of its File Guardian Web Backup service, introducing round-the-clock database backups for hosted vBulletin message boards.

With File Guardian, a fully managed service available only from URLJet, even busy vBulletin message boards are backed up continuously, nearly eliminating the chance of data loss in the event of a disaster. Backup restore points are stored securely in a remote facility, and each database can be recovered in a matter of minutes following a disaster or accidental data loss.

“For owners of vBulletin message boards, the most valuable asset they own is the content in their database. Since this information is changed rapidly as end users interact with the message board, it is imperative to have an up-to-the-minute backup to utilize in the event of a disaster,” said Todd Reagor, URLJet CEO. “Without a current backup, years of posts, member lists, and other crucial data can be lost in an instant after something as minor as a hard drive failure or upgrade gone wrong.”

File Guardian, which protects millions of posts across thousands of message boards for URLJet customers, is powered by R1Soft’s CDP Server. The technology directly reads hard disk volumes at the sector level, bypassing the file system, and thereby allowing active MySQL databases to be protected without a noticeable impact on server performance or effect on database activity. With R1Soft’s True Granular Restore technology, URLJet can speed recovery time with the ability to choose to restore specific tables in a database.

URLJet provides File Guardian at no additional charge to its vBulletin hosting customers. The company offers mission-critical, world class customer support for all hosting plans and provides a free vBulletin license to every annually renewed account.

To learn more about URLJet, please visit http://www.urljet.com.

About URLJet
Located just north of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, URLJet has been providing performance hosting for vBulletin forums around the world since 2002. Hosting plans range from entry-level shared hosting plans to robust, fully-managed dedicated servers built for massive message boards.




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