
KPN subsidiary Infonet Nederland chooses ‘green’ data center EvoSwitch

08:13:52 - 22 April 2008


Amsterdam, 22 April 2008 – Infonet Nederland, supplier of high-quality international network and data center services to multinationals, has put 42 data center cabinets into use within EvoSwitch. The choice for the Dutch carrier-neutral data center, which operates climate-neutrally, is largely thanks to the available space and the electrical capacity within EvoSwitch.


Purchasing cabinet space facilitates growth of Infonet Nederland

“The maximum capacity of the data centers of Infonet Nederland was almost in sight,” explains Joost Peters, Vice President Data Center Services Infonet Nederland. “For this reason, we decided to buy in external data center capacity for the short and medium term in order to be able to facilitate our further growth. In our search for a suitable data center in and around Amsterdam it emerged that EvoSwitch was one of the few parties that had sufficient space available and was able to fulfil our specific electrical capacity requirements.”


Technical knowledge EvoSwitch

Infonet Nederland was particularly impressed by the thorough technical knowledge which is present company-wide throughout the EvoSwitch organisation. Peters: “The technical realisation of EvoSwitch clearly demonstrates considerable experience. It was remarkable that even the Financial Director could supply us with technical knowledge concerning the technique and the specifications. The whole operation gave us confidence concerning the realisation of our company aims and the mutual collaboration between EvoSwitch and Infonet Nederland.”


Scarce data center space

EvoSwitch is one of the few data centers in the Amsterdam region with more than enough space. This is because the data center only opened in April 2007, and in Q2 of 2008 the next construction stage will provide even more floor area. Peters: “EvoSwitch is clearly profiting from the current high demand for data center space. Considering the scarcity in the region, they have apparently chosen exactly the right moment to enter the data center market.”


Electrical capacity

The electrical capacity was also one of the reasons why Infonet Nederland chose EvoSwitch. EvoSwitch has recently doubled the capacity from 10 MVA (Mega Volt Ampere) to 20 MVA, which represents around 20 million Watt. With this capacity, the energy capacity of the data center is extremely voluminous. In addition, the cabinets in the 2nd stage of EvoSwitch, which will be opened shortly, will have, with 5 KW, a higher electrical and cooling capacity than is usual in many data centers. It means a doubling of the usual current capacity in the market; thanks to this development, the use, for example, of blade servers is possible. Laurens Rosenthal, Innovation Director EvoSwitch: “We are pleased that Infonet Nederland has seen the advantages of our extremely voluminous electrical provision. Thanks to this development, Infonet Nederland has the guarantee that their equipment will operate optimally both now and in the future.”

Green electricity, 20 percent more economical

The electricity used within EvoSwitch is Zeeuws Groen, green electricity that is generated in the Dutch province of Zeeland. In addition, EvoSwitch has been able to achieve energy savings of at least 20% thanks to investments in energy-efficient cooling. Investments have been made, for example, in Free Cooling, an energy-conscious cooling concept that makes ingenious use of cool outside air. The innovative Cold Corridor Concept, a method that provides servers with cooling in a very accurate way, also contributes to energy savings. Peters: “We are convinced that the green character of the data center will appeal to some of our customers.”



About Infonet Nederland ‘Smart Network & Data Center Solutions’

Infonet Nederland (www.infonet.nl) is an independent subsidiary of KPN and distributes the BT Infonet portfolio in the Dutch market. Based on this distribution relationship, Infonet Nederland supplies high quality integrated state-of-the-art Network Services, Communications Solutions, Data Center Services and Service Management for multinationals in more than 70 countries worldwide. Via the network infrastructure in more than 180 countries, Infonet Nederland supplies private-based MPLS, IP VPNs, Application Defined VPNs, Internet VPNs, Converged Networking (voice/video/data), Data Center Services en Enhanced Security.



About EvoSwitch

EvoSwitch (www.evoswitch.com) is a carrier-neutral data center with a green character (CO2 neutral).  It is a located in the region of Amsterdam on a site with an area of more than 9000 square metres, where companies can safely accommodate their IT infrastructure. The data center has a total capacity of 20 Megawatt. With this electrical capacity, EvoSwitch can guarantee their clients that there is always enough energy available. EvoSwitch has 30 employees. These include engineers who actively and pro-actively manage the clients’ equipment. EvoSwitch is a completely climate-neutral operation. In collaboration with Climate Neutral Group we invest in worldwide projects to repair the CO2 balance in the atmosphere (www.climateneutralgroup.com).  Companies who place their equipment within EvoSwitch can indicate on their website that they make use of a climate-neutral data center by using the logos in The Green Fan partner programme (www.thegreenfan.com).



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