
Web Hosting Provider eBoundHost Launches Redesigned Website

02:31:57 - 17 August 2006

Web hosting company eBoundHost launched its redesigned website on August 1, 2006. Award winning web designers and  internal system integrators worked closely to link the new graphics to the custom content management system.

Apart from the new look, there are many new and exciting offerings. The new Home and Professional packages are the very first multi-domain offerings from EBH. Up to 12 websites may now be hosted on one account for the Professional and up to 5 for Home.

Hard drive storage is upgraded to 30 GB and 45 GB respectively for Professional and Home packages. Bandwidth is at an enormous 750 GB for Home and 900 GB for Professional.  This means a virtually unlimited hosting package for the foreseeable future.

Prepaid accounts are now rewarded with the lowest prices ever. Customers registering for a 12 Month term pay as low as $6.55 for a hosting account.  Other payment options include: Quarterly, 6-Month, 12-Month and 24-Month cycles with various insentives.

Domain names are always free for new accounts. This is a long term tradition which will not change.

The most exciting news was saved for last, with the new Affiliate Program. A more detailed press release will be posted about this system because it is too extensive. To summarize, referrals earn $80 for the affiliate. This is an incredible opportunity for anyone with a website, by simply placing a link webmasters may earn hundreds of dollars each month.

eBoundHost (www.eboundhost.com) is a Chicago based web hosting provider catering to the needs of small business and home users. Extensive experience comes from hosting thousands of websites with very different requirements and audiences. Customers include individuals and businesses worldwide, from the United States of America to China, the Middle East, Australia and everywhere between.


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