
Daw Web Hosting Blog Says Google Acts As An Internet Censor

01:16:26 - 17 July 2006

Daw Web Hosting Blog says that Google made a move to become an Internet censorship institution because of the definitions of "Quality Scores" and "useful landing pages", the Search engine set for its Adwords advertising system.

In its recent article titled "Google Makes a Move to Become a Global Internet Censor", DawHB.com says that Google brands itself as a censorship institution on the world wide web.

The blog reported that Google's popular Adwords advertising system imposed some guidelines that set definitions such as "Quality Scores" and "useful landing pages". By introducing those guidelines the Search Engine giant makes it's online advertisers to change their website content to avoid high advertising costs.

Google's AdWords has also come with an increased minimum bids, according to DawHB.com blog. The "minimum bid" is the lowest amount of money an advertisers is allowed to spend on any search terms within the Adwords network!

The minimum bid a search term “web hosting” to be active for search in Google is now $0.40. News are not good for those who target Canadian customers as well. The minimum cost per click for keywords ”canada web hosting” has also been increased to $0.40 per click.

Those however are very low compared to search term “image hosting”. Anyone who wants to make sure their image hosting ads would appear in Google must spend at least $1 on this search term.

The minimum price of “templates” keyword went $0.50. Those who want to bid on “blog” have to put $0.30 per click in their Adwords acount.

But all those are nothing compared to search term “host”. Google requires a minimum $10.00 bid to make this keyword searchable within the seacrh engine.

The recent changes in Adwords make Google a “global censorship institution” in the Search market. The Search engines claims it is competent enough to determine which web sites are good enough by content and which are not!

Daw Web Hosting Blog (dawhb.com) has been launched in March 2006. The blog covers the web hosting industry, from the newbie knowledge to high-end issues. The blogs owner Dimitar Avramov has been a part of the web hosting industry since 1999, working as a CEO of a web hosting company and then moving to the SEO, website marketing and online advertising business. He manages a network of web hosting, web design and webmaster related media and directories that cover US, European and other regional markets.

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