
Web Hosting Forum WebHostTalk.eu Opens Web Design Contest

02:39:06 - 14 July 2006

European web hosting forum WebHostTalk.eu has launched a web design contest to take place from July 14 through August 20, 2006. Everyone who has experience in designing progessional themes and skins for a vBulletin discussion board is invited to join the competition.

WebHostTalk.eu announces 3 prizes - the first one of €120, the second one of €80 and third one of €40. The top 3 rated designers will also receive a €400 per month advertising campaigns for their web sites in a 3 month campaign continuance!

All design works will be put to voting from WebHostTalk.eu members. The winner design work will be used as a web hosting forum's default skin. Those rated second and third will be available as skin options for WebHostTalk.eu users.

The Web Host Talk (webhosttalk.eu) forums feature 6 different European sections. The website owners can participate in one of the following European web hosting forums -- "General web Hosting", "Tech, Security and programming", "Domain names", "Non-Tech Web Hosting", "Server Talk", "Colocation and Datacenters", "Domain Chat" and "marketing talk. Members are also allowed to talk about American, Australian and other continental hosting issues.

The European Forums claim they set some innovative rules for the web hosting industry. Members that have good posting history are entitled to free advertising through 468x60 banners at the bottom of the forums. They are also allowed to post offers in advertising sections on daily basis.

The WebHostTalk.eu is owned and moderated under agreement signed by group of webmasters with significant experience in the web hosting market. Advertisers, however, will not be accepted until September as the moderators want to create a real professional community before starting to accept ads.

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