
Web Hosting Company Launches Multi Million Dollar Billboard Campaign

00:49:29 - 14 July 2006


Web hosting company Whats your domain .com has announced the launch of its Multi Million dollar billboard campaign in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia. “We decided to look to offline mediums to promote our on line business” said Simon Chang, Co Founder of Whats your domain.com.

Because marketing is so expensive we have decided to align our selves with a $100,000,000 New York based media concern primarily focused on out of home advertising such as billboards, phone kiosks, light panels and wild posting in an effort to partner with companies that are not indigenous our industry.

“While everyone is fighting for attention for the same eyeballs online, we have decided to try and get their attention when they are not in front of their computer” We will be trying many different methods of traditional and non traditional marketing to brand Whats Your Domain. com and ultimately drive traffic to our site.

So keep your eye open for WhatsYourDomain. com.


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