
Lxlabs Announces Wider Availability of Lxadmin Hosting Control Panel

03:34:41 - 14 July 2006

Lxlabs today announced the wide availability of Lxadmin 4.3, a third generation hosting control panel sporting advanced features that will make management of large data centers trivially easy.

Lxadmin allows companies to maximize the utilization of their servers by distributing the various resources across machines. The core of Lxadmin is its highly robust clustering engine, which is so built into the core of the software that it delivers the most seamless cluster experience to the user. Lxadmin makes on-the-fly transfer of domains across machines, backing up entire system and restoring it another cluster configuration an extremely easy task, and thus provides a transparent and easy way for a company to grow.

While boasting a highly powerful internal architecture, Lxadmin also sports an extremely easy to use interface modeled after windows XP GUI, and thus offers the customers and resellers best of both worlds. The hosting companies can use the advanced clustering features to easily manage their data centers, while the end customers get the industry standard gui that they are familiar with.

Lxadmin, which has already been installed in production deployments for more than 2 months, is making waves in the hosting community owing to its extreme power coupled with the extreme ease of use, and hosting companies are finally discovering that clustered setup need not be the nightmare that they had found it to be using earlier panels. Lxadmin allows companies to start small, and add servers as they expand, and the resources can be moved trivially to the new servers without any downtime. "Lxadmin's robust clustering has saved us a real lot of trouble as we expanded our Lxadmin deployment from one server to many", said Sipero.net's Jonathan Hamon, "With normal control panels it would have been hell, and even with some of the so called distributed CPs it is a real pain to grow from one server to many. But Lxadmin made it easy for us to expand without any downtime, and with real ease."

"What endeared me to Lxadmin was its really pretty, user-friendly and at the same time ergonomic interface design", said another customer. "Lxadmin is really beautiful to behold, and makes managing my hosting a less fatiguing experience".

Lxadmin currently works on Linux CentOS servers, and the Windows version is in the final beta stage. With the release of the Windows version, Lxadmin will allow customers to manage a mixed cluster of Linux and Windows machines, providing a seamless user experience across the different platforms.

The company believes that Lxadmin's standout features will make it a strong competitor in the control panel market. The specific features of Lxadmin are:

* Robust and scalable clustering integrated into the core of the software.
* In built application installer. Lxadmin installsoft will allow you install dozens of applications with just a click of a mouse.
* In built ticketing and messaging system.
* Advanced Backup/Restore feature, allowing you to backup your entire hosting and restore ANY part of it.

Lxadmin is available for purchase or lease from http://lxlabs.com.

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