
Affinity Internet Debuts ValueTraffic 3.0

09:40:26 - 28 February 2006

Leading Web-Based Services Provider Offers Advanced Online Advertising Options; Satisfying Industry Demand and Increasing Customers Rankings with Leading Search Engines
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. February 28, 2006 Affinity Internet, the leading web-based services provider for small businesses, today launched the newest version of its premier online marketing service ValueTraffic.  ValueTraffic 3.0 offers customers’ greater flexibility when planning both the budget and scale of their online advertising campaigns; enabling up to five times more impressions and unique web site visitors.   
Since its launch in 2004, ValueTraffic has had a significant impact on customers and their businesses, delivering an aggregate of over two million unique visitors to their websites. Demand for the on-line marketing service has been strong, with several thousand businesses enrolling in ValueTraffic since its launch less than a year and a half ago.

“ValueTraffic has helped thousands of small businesses achieve real and measurable success through their web sites. As a direct result of their online campaigns many small businesses have become small enterprises,” said Jim Collins, CEO, Affinity Internet.  “The most commonly requested feature for the service was limitless spending and flexibility, thus ValueTraffic 3.0 was born to support the growth of our customer's businesses.”

ValueTraffic 3.0 allows customers to expand their online marketing budgets and increase the scale of their advertising campaigns beyond the previously defined boundaries of ValueTraffic.  Customers will now have the ability to increase or decrease their monthly advertising budget in $100 dollar increments, with the limitless option to spend as much on their online campaigns as desired to meet and exceed business goals. 

“Affinity has already helped thousands of companies harness the growth potential extended through online advertising, and the latest release of ValueTraffic 3.0, finds them further easing the process,” said Andy Schroepfer, principal analyst, Tier 1 Research.  “With Affinity's platform, SMEs can look and feel like larger firms to the point of it being a mistake not to adopt these tools.   With advances such as these in web-based service offerings, companies like Affinity are truly driving the evolution of the online business.”

In addition to the flexible spending option, ValueTraffic 3.0 also offers customers free basic listings in major online telephone directories to ValueTraffic Local customers.  ValueTraffic Local, a plan under the ValueTraffic service offering, allows small businesses to target their online advertising to web searches in specific geographic areas.

ValueTraffic was originally created to further level the Internet playing field between SMBs and large enterprises.  For a nominal monthly fee, ValueTraffic offers small business owners access to a full-service online advertising agency, fully-equipped with a team of marketing experts that will help create an effective campaign that both increases site visibility and revenue.  

ValueTraffic 3.0 is available to both existing Affinity customers and non-customers.  New customers do not have to have a hosting account or domain name registered with Affinity with Affinity to sign up for the upgraded service.  More information can be found at: www.valueweb.com.

About Affinity Internet

Affinity Internet provides more than 180,000 small businesses the tools, services and support they need to make the Internet a useful and relevant part of their businesses.  The company does this through professional web design, online marketing and web hosting services designed to save small businesses their most valuable resource – time.  

Affinity’s services are supported by its customer service “success guides” – knowledgeable consultants with a passion for serving small businesses and a dedication to their success.  The company is committed to empowering its customers to write their own Internet success stories.


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