
Sun and Toshiba Deliver Java Technology Handset

13:53:42 - 30 June 2005

Sun Microsystems, Inc. (www.sun.com), founder and lead advocate for Java technology, today announced that Toshiba has adopted Sun Microsystems' high-performance Java software implementation for cell phones to deliver its latest handsets for Vodafone, the world's largest mobile operator.

Sun and Toshiba have jointly deployed the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) Hotspot Implementation, Sun's Java Virtual Machine [JVM(TM)] technology that turbo-charges applications for 3G handsets, and Sun Java Wireless Client software for Vodafone, to put next-generation services into the hands of its customers.

Toshiba's latest handsets break new ground in both performance and mobile phone user experience. According to Toshiba, the 902T, available now in Japan, and the TS921, due for launch in Europe, deliver significant performance improvements over the company's previous products.

"Sun's software engineering expertise helped Toshiba reduce its time to market in providing a cost-effective, high-performance handset for a key customer," said Kosei Okamoto, chief technology executive for Mobile Communications Company, one of Toshiba's in-house companies.

"Using our complete mobile Java library, integrated with the industry standard Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI) specifications, Sun was able to work with Toshiba to provide a highly optimized and customized version of the software stack that caters to Vodafone's requirements," said Eric Chu, senior director, Mobile and Embedded Group, Sun Microsystems.

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