
The VB100% certified BitDefender Antivirus for Samba servers has been released

02:28:02 - 05 May 2005

Giving Back to the Community

BitDefender for Samba Linux File Servers was upgraded to version 1.6.2 today, and parts of it have been released under an open-source license.

The antivirus for Samba shares is capable of scanning and disinfecting shared files and folders on access and on demand, and can be installed easily alongside BitDefender for Linux Mail Servers.

"We are releasing the Samba integration module ( vfs ) as open source for two main reasons: first, and least important, because we want to provide more choice to our customers: the module can be compiled against any version of Samba, past and present.

Second, we, as a company, have been using and profiting for long from Open Source software, and I think it's high time to start giving back to the community" declared Alexandru Balan, BitDefender Product Marketing Manager.

BitDefender for Samba Linux file servers has recently acquired a new VB100% certification, just prior to the version change. It also has been tested to work on all popular linux distributions. A fully functional evaluation version of BitDefender for Samba can be downloaded from http://linux.bitdefender.com/


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