
Netcraft Names DataPipe Most Reliable Host

16:37:28 - 06 April 2005

DataPipe (www.DataPipe.com), a managed hosting service based in the New York metropolitan area, announced today that it was named the most reliable web hosting network during the second half of 2004 by Netcraft.

Netcraft's research data serves as a primary tool for analysis of the web hosting industry today.� It produces research data and statistics on the distribution and usage rates of web servers and operating systems across the industry.

"We're pleased that Netcraft has recognized DataPipe as the most reliable host.� It provides us with further proof that our commitment to service and consistent investment in our network is recognized." said Robb Allen, CEO of DataPipe.

The company also tracks the use of various technologies on the internet such as encrypted transactions, electronic commerce, scripting languages and content technologies.

In order to ensure the accuracy of its results for web host reliability ratings, Netcraft measures the response time at set intervals from four separate points on the internet.

These averages are then calculated and ranked amongst the top fifty hosting providers' sites. This pool of the top fifty hosts is maintained and updated on a daily basis.


About Datapipe

Monthly & Annual Awards

Datapipe provides managed services to a range of vertical industries including financial services, healthcare and pharmaceutical, manufacturing, state and federal governments, publishing, media and communications, business services, public sector, and technology and software. The company has established strategic partnerships with industry leading companies including Cisco, FreeBSD, HP, Microsoft, Oracle, Red Hat, Sun, and VMware.Datapipe's managed services include application management, database administration and performance tuning, hardware... read more

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