
HostingAccelerator Launches Starter Bundles

16:31:39 - 28 March 2005

SoftWhizo Inc. today announced that it has introduced new additions to its product portfolio. HostingAccelerator (www.hostingaccelerator.com) Starter Bundles catering primarily to new hosting companies who wish to get up and running in one business day.

"Powerful Starter Bundles helps hosting companies to get up and running in one business day" says Samir Jhaveri, CEO of SoftWhizo Inc.
HostingAccelerator Silver Starter Bundle  includes a HostingAccelerator for Windows - Unlimited domain license, SmarterMail Pro and SmarterStats Pro (50 domain licenses), all installed and configured on the customer server.

It also includes the installation and configuration of Microsoft FTP Server, Microsoft DNS Server, Microsoft IIS Web Server, PHP, Perl, ASP and ASP.NET, for $799 only.

HostingAccelerator Gold  Starter Bundle includes a HostingAccelerator for Windows - Unlimited domain license, SmarterMail Pro and SmarterStats Pro (50 domain licenses) plus comprehensive HostingAccelerator Security Audit & 1 year Support Plan.

It also includes the installation and configuration of Microsoft FTP Server, Microsoft DNS Server, Microsoft IIS Web Server, PHP, Perl, ASP and ASP.NET, for $999 only.

HostingAccelerator Platinum Starter Bundle  includes a HostingAccelerator for Windows - Unlimited domain license, SmarterMail Pro and SmarterStats Pro (50 domain licenses), Moderbill - a powerful billing application (250 accounts) plus comprehensive HostingAccelerator Security Audit & Annual Support Plan.

It also includes the installation and configuration of Microsoft FTP Server, Microsoft DNS Server, Microsoft IIS Web Server, PHP, Perl, ASP and ASP.NET, for $1199 only.
HostingAccelerator Security Audit is a new professional service offering from SoftWhizo Inc that ensures a webhost's servers have any significant security issues checked and fixed. In addition to a comprehensive security check, the Audit is guaranteed to be complete within 48 hours and a report is sent to alert the user of other security holes that may need further work.


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