
Innovation in Linux Server-Side Compression Technology

16:26:43 - 28 March 2005

The software works by combining mod_gzip technology and an advanced image compressor to reduce the file size of images, HTML and text files on servers. The resulting web pages and images create a reduction in server bandwidth usage, and actual server space.

This means that servers are able to respond faster, making much better use of available bandwidth. This type of compression technology has been around for a while.

Reducing the size of web pages and text, but the real innovation comes in with Optimize Hosting Tech's new software.

The potential advantages for any Server Providers and Webmasters planning to use this software are huge. Such a noticeable reduction in server space and bandwidth usage will allow for more clients to be accommodated per server.

Roderick Coleman, Owner of Optimize Hosting Technology said, "Our new software utilizes advanced image compression technology allowing Server Providers, Webmasters, and website owners the opportunity to save bandwidth and server space."

"The beauty of the technology is that it allows images, as well as HTML and text to be compressed. That's where we differ from the competition, and how our software users can really benefit," adds Roderick.


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