
Microsoft Taps Top AT&T Wireless Executive

16:45:28 - 01 March 2005

Microsoft Corp. today announced that former AT&T Wireless and E*TRADE executive Michael Sievert has been named corporate vice president for Windows® product management.

Sievert will be responsible for marketing, product management and product planning for the Windows Client, including the next version of Microsoft® Windows, code-named "Longhorn," slated for release in 2006. Sievert comes to Microsoft via AT&T Wireless Services Inc., where he had served as executive vice president and chief marketing officer since 2002.

In that post, Sievert was responsible for product management for the company's $15 billion core business, and had profit and loss responsibility for several product lines. He was twice named by Advertising Age as one of the 25 most influential people in marketing.

Before joining AT&T Wireless, Sievert was executive vice president and chief global marketing and sales officer at E*TRADE FINANCIAL Corp. Before that, he held various positions with IBM Corp. and The Procter & Gamble Company.

"Mike brings to the Windows product management team broad industry experience and deep insight into driving marketing excellence," said Will Poole, senior vice president for the Windows Client Business at Microsoft.

Sievert says he is eager to begin his new duties and excited about the possibilities his new job presents. "I am delighted to be joining the Windows team at Microsoft, where I can apply what I've learned in the wireless and financial services industries to help Microsoft deliver outstanding products designed to meet the needs of its customers."

Sievert steps in today for Tom Button, who has been on a leave of absence due to family medical reasons. Button is expected to return to Microsoft in a different capacity.

"We are grateful to Tom for the dedication he has brought to the Windows platform group. His leadership has been instrumental in delivering the benefits of Windows to our customers," Poole said. "Tom has laid a foundation upon which Mike can continue to build as we prepare for the release of Windows 'Longhorn' next year."


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