
Google Goes Mini with New Appliance

07:23:03 - 17 January 2005

Google remained in the news tops with releasing of the new appliance. This week, the search engine giant Google Inc., announced the availability of Google Mini. The search appliance enables small-to-medium businesses to access and manage their information using Google search.

"We believe high-quality search makes business faster and more efficient, and that companies of any size can realize these benefits," said Dave Girouard, general manager of Google's enterprise business.

The Google Mini is an integrated hardware/software search appliance that indexes all content within a company's intranet or public website. This way the users can search that content with the same relevant results as they can on Google.com.

Google Mini can be purchased online, directly from the Google Store, for $4,995 with a credit card or purchase order.

Scott Klein, Web Publisher/Director of Technology of The Nation, a weekly news magazine, said "We were sold on the Google Mini after ten minutes. We bought it online with a credit card, installed it in a few hours, and it was live on our site within the week."

The new appliance offers significant benefits to businesses such as consulting firms, educational institutions, state and local governments, and non-profits, state from the company.

The new features include: fast, relevant search results, unified search across more than 220 file types and an easy installation and minimal administration.

The Google Mini searches up to 50,000 documents.

The appliance comes with one year of support, software updates, and hardware replacement coverage. Google also announced enhancements to the Google Search Appliance designed for the larger enterprises.

The new improvements to the Google Search Appliance include: Database search, providing access to the valuable information stored inside company databases; localized administration, enabling global enterprise IT managers to administer the Google Search Appliance in their local languages; third-party content feed API and monitoring system.


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