
Host Color Adds PHP 5, QMail and Apache 2

00:00:00 - 14 December 2004

Most of company's customers use our new control panel NextColor

Host Color (hostcolor.com), a leading budget hosting service provider now uses PHP 5, QMail and Apache 2 to power its hosting packages. As a part of its efforts to make the company even more competitive and meet the requirements of the fast developing industry Host Color has introduced major hardware and sofware upgrades to its servers.

Along with the move to a new data center located in South Bend, Indiana the company continues perfecting its software. "Now most of our customers use our new Control Panel - NextColor. Next Color is and advanced server and site administrator solution. It shows much better performance compared to other popular control panels. Using NextColor we achieved better results on our servers than we had with our previous control panels from the popular Ensim series. To ensure even better quality however we still host an average of 300 sites per server. "say Vesselin Drangajov, the Host Color's Managing Director. The NextColor Control Panel has overcome many of the know weaknesses of the Ensim/ Red Hat based servers. It has been especially designed for maximum security, reliability and added functionality.

The software packages used for the different services have been selected to improve the performance and the feature of our servers. "The Hosting market has experienced big changes within the last year. It is now more competitive. The companies that cannot meet the dynamic changes would soon be out of the business.

We want to make sure our customers are offered the most advanced technology and software that a shared hosting provider could implement." said Mr. Drangajov. For instance we think that QMail is the best choice for a web hosting mail server; it has been noted for being stable, highly customizable and secure. PHP 5 is another improvement we have introduxed.

Our experience has shown that downward compatibility with PHP 4 used until now is remarkable. PHP 5 however add improved object-orientated deatures as well as new libraries to the most popular and easy-to-use scripting language on the net.

Those are just some examples of the new software with which we aim to improve the performance customers web sites. We feel that our motto - "Better Service for a Better Web Site" shows our busines philosophy best. That's why we hard to bring more thechnology and knowledge to the the net users and this way benefit the delopment of the hosting industry.


About Host Color

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Host Color LLC is a quality U.S. web hosting company incorporated in Delaware. It powers thousands of business and personal websites in data centers in South Bend, Indiana, U.S. and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The company also provides fully Managed dedicated hosting through HC Servers (http://www.hostcolorservers.com) and European hosting services through HC Europe (http://www.hostcolor.eu). It offers discounts to academics and non-governmental organizations. The Host Color's corporate message is "Web hosting about people, not about gigabytes.... read more

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