
IBM Launches Data Synchronization Software for Retailers

15:44:59 - 13 December 2004

IBM (www.software.ibm.com) announced the immediate availability of global data synchronization software that enables retailers, distributors and manufacturers to collaborate with one another so they can share critical business information and integrate it with their internal systems.

Traditionally, manufacturers, retailers and distributors have shared business information using relatively inefficient manual processes such as fax, phone or email, leading to product information errors and redundant processes.

"We sought a solution to help Unilever, both in Europe and North America, connect to leading data pools such as Transora, UDEX and UCCnet. This has allowed us to establish an accurate, consistent repository of our product information that we use to reliably exchange information with our trading partners," said James Jackson, Vice President of Strategy and Technology, Unilever.

Today, with IBM's new software, IBM Global Data Synchronization for WebSphere Product Center, manual processes are dramatically reduced and companies gain a scalable, certified solution to help them automate how they manage and share the information, using industry standards.

For example, in manufacturing, category managers and product marketers can use the new software to quickly and easily exchange comprehensive product information with their retail counterparts such as merchandisers and buyers.

The new software also helps customers make their business processes more efficient. For example, a manufacturer can use the software to perform an analysis of how quickly retailers are responding to its requests, and a retailer can quickly ascertain which of its manufacturers are consistently providing inaccurate information.

Such automated processes help both retail and manufacturing professionals use their time more efficiently, offer accurate details about goods and services across the supply chain, and improve the relationships between trading partners.

"IBM is leading the way in providing software that creates an automated, more efficient, collaborative effort for business people in both retail and manufacturing environments," said Dan Druker, director of product information management, IBM.


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