
Fujitsu Software Corporation Launches Early Release Program

00:00:00 - 18 August 2004

August 18, 2004 - (HostReview.com) - Fujitsu Software Corporation (www.fsw.fujitsu.com) is announcing an Early Release Program for NeoKicks™ V1.0, the latest enhancement to its mainframe migration solutions. NeoKicks delivers greatly increased agility to IT groups with CICS COBOL applications by lowering platform maintenance costs, giving interfaces new life as ASP.NET Web applications or Windows Forms client applications, and integrating with Visual Studio .NET for much higher developer productivity.

"Although the majority of CICS applications are critical to business operations, these applications are increasingly being viewed as an expensive burden, running on costly hardware provided by a single vendor, with little innovation in maintenance or enhancement options," said Ron Langer, senior director languages group, Fujitsu Software Corporation. "Organizations with tight budgets have needed a way to reduce the cost of operating these applications but have had no hope that they could put them back in the mainstream of technical innovations until now."

NeoKicks is available now in a limited membership Early Release Program so that Fujitsu Software can ensure full customer satisfaction while fine-tuning the package to support the large numbers of organizations that need the increased agility it offers. Those interested in finding out how NeoKicks can revolutionize their CICS legacy should contact Fujitsu Software immediately to secure a place in the Early Release Program.

"The early users of NeoKicks are attracted by the large savings they see in moving from mainframes to Windows server environments," Langer pointed out. "It's easy for them to see that the cash they keep in their budgets will increase their ability to respond to changing business requirements. Their enthusiasm particularly ramps up when they also realize that their CICS applications will be fully integrated into the .NET Framework, able to take advantage of everything that environment has to offer - giving them easier maintenance, rapid application development and access to much new technology."


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