
8 Ways To Protect Your Domain Name From Hackers

2017-10-12by Khanh Ngo

A domain name of any company or business is one of the most valuable assets. No matter if you are using your domain name for years or just have started, you have to make sure the domain is always safe.

This is essential to ensure that you do not lose the domain name due to any illegal or deceptive activities. It is your company’s recognition and you must be very cautious about it.

But how to protect your domain name?

You are not the only one who has this question. Majority of the people don’t have any idea about this.

Your domain name can be hijacked, redirected to some other website or even take down by someone if you fail to take corrective measures.

Unfortunately, all these are possible, thus you should protect your domain name.

However, here are some of the valuable tips and steps for you. You just need to follow them to protect your domain name.


#1: Correct Registration

First of all, keep in mind that the keeping your contact information is correct. The name on the title defines who has registered it but not the person who paid for it. So, make sure that you have entered all the correct and valid information in the administrative, registrant, billing and technical contact fields.

The listed registrant is the same person or company who has the legal rights to that particular domain name. You also must have a valid government-issued photo ID of the individual who is listed as the registrant. Even you need to have a valid business license for the company if it is listed in the registrant field. This is one of the most important ways by which you will never lose the domain name.


#2: Check The Administrative Email Address

When you are entering the email address in the administrative contact details, be very careful. This is because the email address has the authority to approve any transfer of the domain name to another registrar.

So, make sure your domain name email is in your control. Then, once one can take advantage of this email. They will get direct access to the domain name. And they will use your email to transfer your domain name.

#3: Domain Monitoring Tools

Of course, you have to be vigilant enough to protect your domain name. You need to log in to your account often and ensure that everything is perfect on that account.

One better way is to purchase a domain monitor tool for monitoring the domain activities. In this case, even if you do not have to log in to your account, you can also receive your domain name event information.

If there are any changes in the settings or something suspicious, you will get information immediately via an email or an SMS. So, you can enjoy full control of your domain name, and it will stay safe.

#4: Lock The Domain Name

Another trick that you can use is locking your domain name.

To prevent any unauthorized transfer, you should lock the domain after your register or transfer. You have to do this from within your account. It can help you in preventing the domain name from being moved out of your account.

Keeping your domain name in the lock state under normal circumstances. You should turn locking off only you need to make changes to your domain name servers. Once you finished this change, lock the domain again.

#5: Secure The Email First

One of the most important things for protecting your domain name is to keep your email secured all the time. This is the key to keep your domain name completely safe and secured.

For securing email address, you have to create a very secure password. This password is something which is not easily guessable. Make use of complex series of numbers, symbols, and letters to create a relatively secure password for your email address.

Also, you need to change the password quite frequently so that there is not even a small chance of hacking your account. Otherwise, your domain name is at a huge risk.

#6: Use Spyware or Antivirus

There are some key-logging software that can capture your username as well as your passwords. This is quite dangerous as it can deliver all your confidential information to any unauthorized person.

So, to prevent the key-logging software from stealing your information, you need to install a high quality and efficient spyware or antivirus.

YOU must update it regularly to keep the database updates to catch any suspicious activities.

#7: Auth/EPP ( Extensible Provisioning Protocol ) Code

Another great way to protect your domain name is by using EPP, only if your registrar supports it.

With the help of this tool, you will be able to pick a unique authorization information code or AIC for each domain name you have. When you transfer a domain name you need EPP code to verify your identity.

So, this is an extra layer of security to ensure that your domain remains safe and secured. But you have to keep your EPP code confidential and secure. You may lose your domain name entirely if anyone has this EPP code.

domain lock

#8: Choose Auto-Renew

Sometimes you may forget to renew your domain name before it expires. Once the domain expires you will lose the control over it. So, it is a smart move to choose the “Auto-Renewal” option to renew the domain name in your registrar’s account.

Thus, it will not get expired forever. Keep in mind that make sure your credit card or payment information updated.


These are the eight ways how to protect your domain name from any scam, hijack or being taken down. If you do not want to lose your domain one day, then these are the necessary steps you need to follow.

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Khanh Ngo

Khanh Ngo

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