
The Trigger Mechanism For Startup Business

2016-04-12by Sylvia Kohl

Content-marketing is a new online promotion method, that becomes more and more topical in digital world. It is an efficient mean to obtain a potential customers' loyalty for the startup company. But much of wippersnappers in business make a gaffe at the first setout. They consider content-marketing as a process of provision target audience with useful information. This statement is partially correct.

Content marketing means giving people valuable data with proper CTA components, which will tell target costumer «This guy is a pro in his field, I like him and need to buy his product right now». They must purchase your product, even if your competitors offer lower prices. And the smart content-marketing strategy help to reach this goal.

Why startup company needs content-marketing

At the conceptual stage your brand reputation is a pure page, which could be a trigger mechanism for your business or its anchor. Eminent companies may experiment with potential audience by creating bold advertising campaigns or making nonstandard offers. The 'green' businessman hasn't right to be wrong. His brand has not had a solid basis yet, so the improper promotion way may 'kill' its reputation.

How you could spread your content

Here is an interesting thing: content helps to promote your product, but it need to be promoted too. There are enough ways for doing this – publishing in social networks, sending email-newsletters, guest posting services, etc. The last works good. You create powerful article and suggest it to some authoritative blogger, who got thousands readers and subscribers. Users watch your copy and tend to visit your website. Guest posting also help to attract traffic to your resource.

You can hire a person, who will be write content for you, or buy guest post from special agency. Companies, that offer such services are knowledgeable in post types and niceties of their writing.

Smart content-marketing gives rise to positive opinion about brand among potential customers. Using it, you have a real chance to gain clients' trust. Content marketing will work, if the beginning entrepreneur follows some rules.

7 content marketing tips for the startup

  1. Write for your audience. It sounds simply, but there are writers, who tend to cover as much audience, as possible. Such approach causes low conversion. Define your potential clients and create content for them. Style and tone of texts on your website must be client-oriented. Take into consideration age, sex, profession, hobby and manner of speech of your potential customers. For example, clothes sellers should place different articles for girls and women: how to wear semi-circle skirt, what type of jacket to choose etc. Defining audience differences will facilitate sells.

  2. Check content carefully. Before placing articles should be examined by several people. You need content manager and editor, who will correct content. Trivial misprints, grammatical and logical errors scare visitors away.

  3. Create 'deep' articles. Publishing articles on daily topics is insufficiently. Your content must be useful and differ from text on your competitors' websites. It should contain unique arguments, opinions and examples. Present yourself as an irrespective expert, who want help customers to make a right choice.

  4. Add illustrations into texts. Long articles look boring and unattractive. Dilute them with photo, video and infographics. Customers prefer to see product personally. Give them clear images and stories, that reveal your offer's value.

  5. Be consistent. As a startup company you are still building the brand, its reputation and corporate style. Important: content on your website must match the company's development. Use data, which show your achievements.

  6. Use the correct frequency for publications. One email-newsletter per week is enough, but posts in Facebook or other social media should be published at least 5 times for a week. The more often informative articles appear on your site, the more users' trust you will obtain.

  7. Do not publish articles for quantity. If you don't have unique ideas and valuable data right now, wait until they will appear. Long-expected profound texts 'outshoots' better, than uninformative frequent articles.

Content plays a basic role in business growth. It does not matter, where you publish articles – on your own website, partners platform or in social media. Content works as a bridge, that connects company with target audience.

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Sylvia Kohl

Luckyposting Sylvia Kohl is IT teacher with more than 7 years of professional experience. Her main spheres of interest are e-education and beta-testing. This writer chose news about the increasing role of IT usage in colleges and schools as the most common topic for her articles. Sylvia also creates analyzes and evaluations of new programs and mobile apps that could have possibly be used by students for educational purposes (but which are not for one or other reason).View Sylvia Kohl`s profile for more

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