
Shopping Cart Abandonment Issues? Intellichat Can Help

12:06:02 - 28 July 2008


David Sipes of Intellichat and Hartland Ross of eBridge Marketing Solutions know that Web Hosting companies suffer from a high shopping cart abandonment rates – often abandoned at the very point when the customer is about to pay for the order.

“In a brick-and-mortar store, a salesperson could close many of those sales on the spot, simply by making a better deal, overcoming objections, or by providing a little more information.  The great news is that this opportunity also exists online” says Ross.

Sipes and Ross will be jointly distributing a product called Intellichat.  Their first priority is to introduce this product to Web Hosting companies.

To reach the widest possible audience, Sipes and Ross are bringing Intellichat to eBridge’s booth – Booth #619 – at the HostingCon Conference in Chicago, July 28 – 30.

“Intellichat opens up a chat-like session when a potential customer clicks to exit a sales page,” says Sipes. “Typically, it pops up a small window with a message, something like:

‘Hey, Wait!!! Before you go…. An agent would like to offer you a discount. Just click CANCEL on the next window to receive this.’ If you follow those instructions, you end up in a chat session with a human-like virtual sales agent.”

Sipes says statistics support their claim that Intellichat can increase sales conversions by anywhere from five percent to as much as 30 percent. In January this year, for instance, one Intellichat client got these results: 230,229 unique visitors; 26,885 Intellichat sessions; 2,680 sales saved.

“We don’t charge any fees to customize and set-up Intellichat on your website,” says Sipes. “If an Intellichat session doesn’t result in a sale, we don’t get a fee. Websites only pay for results.”

Customization consists of taking information about your website and its products, plus questions and answers from your FAQ page, to create an intelligent answer delivery through a popular communication medium, chat. The virtual agent can then make special offers, recap sales points, and answer basic questions. All the website owner needs do is add a simple line of code to their web page which will trigger their customized virtual chat agent and sales are saved.

“By giving the virtual sales agent a friendly personality and the ability to answer some questions, we can keep people online longer,” says Ross, “perhaps long enough to change their minds about abandoning the shopping cart.”

Currently, about 1,000 businesses in North America and Europe are using Intellichat. The types of businesses range from Web Hosting companies to dating sites and sites selling herbal and health products and as well as VOIP residential services to name a few.

“At eBridge, we’ve found it to be particularly useful for Web Hosting companies, increasing conversions rates by 20 percent or more,” says Ross. “That’s why we’re taking it to HostingCon – to get it in front of leading hosting resellers in North America as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

Not going to HostingCon 2008? You can find out more about Intellichat and see a product demo here: www.intellichat.net.




About Intellichat

Intellichat is one of "Just Develop It's" most exciting companies under its umbrella. Just Develop It is a group dedicated to providing simple solutions to the complicated world of the internet. From online storage to virtual sales agents, Just Develop It has taken their services to the next level. In 2007, the group formed with Intellichat at its forefront, within a few months, thanks a dedicated team, Intellichat became an instant success and market leader. Since then Just Develop It has expanded and is now proud to offer 10 different products and services including business gifts and refurbished laptops.


About eBridge Marketing Solutions

eBridge Marketing Solutions is a leading provider of internet marketing solutions for both web advertisers and web publishers. Their progressive marketing solutions enable their clients to effectively and efficiently meet their online marketing objectives and advertising needs. They are a marketing agency that specializes in the development and administration of cost effective internet advertising campaigns.


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