
DataPipe and Sun Collaborate to Offer Low Cost Services for Startups and ISVs

09:27:14 - 10 July 2008


Jersey City, NJ — July  10, 2008 – DataPipe, a global provider of managed IT services, announced today that it is collaborating with Sun Microsystems to provide startup companies with an exceptional opportunity for competitively priced, high-performance managed hosting services.

Through the Sun Startup EssentialsSM program, DataPipe will offer low-cost services to startup companies, enabling them to quickly reach their target market and accelerate the growth of their business. Sun's industry leading platform of products integrates seamlessly with DataPipe’s best-of-breed hosting and managed services, giving eligible companies an exceptional opportunity to compete with larger organizations at an affordable cost.

“We directly service both Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley,” said Robb Allen, DataPipe’s CEO. “This is a natural fit for us.  Providing entrepreneurs with access to high value managed services will enable them to fast track their success,” he added.


DataPipe will provide eligible members with affordable Web hosting infrastructure and services housed in its world-class data center facilities and backed by best-in-class support. Startup companies will find unprecedented value and reliability through DataPipe's deep experience utilizing a range of Sun products, including the Solaris 10 Operating System, Sun servers and Sun storage. 


Recognizing the need for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to easily develop and/or deploy their software applications, DataPipe is pleased to collaborate with Sun to offer the ISV On-Demand Sandbox program hosted and supported by DataPipe on Sun products.

The program is designed for existing software companies and consists of hardware, software, managed hosting services, security, reporting and patching at no cost for a period of up to 90 days for those companies who have signed an approved ISV Sandbox agreement. The program also includes a 99.5% Service Level Agreement (SLA) on the testing and development infrastructure.


"Sun is excited to work with DataPipe to bring access to their world-class data centers and services in managing webscale infrastructure to next generation startups and web 2.0 companies." said Juan Carlos Soto, vice president of Global Market Development and Engineering at Sun Microsystems. "The Sun Startup Essentials program and our relationship with companies such as DataPipe gives startups access to vast technological and business expertise at a fraction of the cost required for such products and services."


To learn more about DataPipe's offerings through the Sun StartUp Essentials program, please visit www.datapipe.com.


About DataPipe

DataPipe provides application management, hosting, professional services and security services for mid to large-sized organizations. These services include comprehensive monitoring, diagnostics, and problem resolution; enablement of software as a service to the independent software vendor community; and custom application management and remote infrastructure management. Headquartered in Jersey City, NJ DataPipe serves clients around the world with data centers in the United States, Europe, Hong Kong and Shanghai, China.

Sun, Sun Microsystems, Sun Startup Essentials, the Sun logo, and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.


About Datapipe

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Datapipe provides managed services to a range of vertical industries including financial services, healthcare and pharmaceutical, manufacturing, state and federal governments, publishing, media and communications, business services, public sector, and technology and software. The company has established strategic partnerships with industry leading companies including Cisco, FreeBSD, HP, Microsoft, Oracle, Red Hat, Sun, and VMware.Datapipe's managed services include application management, database administration and performance tuning, hardware... read more

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