
WeBuyHostingCompanies.com Looking to Buy Unprofitable Web Hosting Enterprises

01:53:04 - 22 June 2007

With competition in the Web hosting industry heating up by the minute, many Web hosts are finding themselves with unprofitable businesses on their hands. Ridding themselves of these unsuccessful entrepreneurial endeavors has often led to lost time and wasted money. A new buyout option, WeBuyHostingCompanies.com, makes the selling process a fast, friendly and fair one.

By implementing a "three Fs" philosophy - fast, friendly and fair - a new addition to the Web-host buyout arena, WeBuyHostingCompanies.com is eliminating both the time and expense involved in the Web hosting sales process. Web hosts who would like to secure a fair price for their businesses and wrap up the transaction in one week or less can learn more online at http://webuyhostingcompanies.com.

According to ResultsAbout, a quality online content provider that is a division of About, Inc., there are more than 170 million Web hosts on the Internet. SearchEngineWatch.com, a Web source for search engine marketing, estimates that there are six billion Web sites on the Worldwide Web. If those sites were divided equally among every host, each hosting company would be home to only 35 sites. Obviously, that equality doesn't extend to all, explaining why so many small hosting companies can't make a go of things.

How does the company wrap up the Web hosting sales transaction so quickly, usually in seven days or less? The answer lies in its cash reserves, which have been exclusively set aside to buy out Web hosts. And because WeBuyHostingCompanies.com's entire business revolves around helping hosting companies, it can offer them selling alternatives they'll receive nowhere else.

The major advantage to the buyer in entrusting the sale of its Web hosting business to WeBuyHostingCompanies.com - aside from being offered the fairest and most honest price - is that the company charges no commissions. In fact, it earns money on the transaction only when it turns around and resells the newly acquired Web host to a member of its network. Although sellers are free to do so at any time, in most cases WeBuyHostingCompanies.com will make them an offer they can't refuse.

For more information contact Stephanie Bunn at (770) 271-1536.


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