
European Web Hosting Discussion Forums WebHostTalk.eu Open for Member Registration and Discussions

02:02:21 - 21 June 2006

The new European web hosting discussion forums WebHostTalk.eu announced it is no open for member registration and discussions. The forums features 6 different European hosting forums, American, Australian discussions as well as off-topic section.

The website owners can participate to one of the following European hosting forums - "General web Hosting", "Tech, Security and programming", "Domain names", "Non-Tech Web Hosting", "Server Talk", "Colocation and Datacenters", "Domain Chat" and marketing talk.

The new EU web hosting discussion boards feature also sections that cover American and Australian hosting issues.

"Our main objective is to create strong European web hosting community. Although the EU has its own institutions and a single market, everyone can see that there isn't a open service market. Most web host operate in their own country and do not compete in European level. That's not good for the market development. Consumers are not informed about web hosting services providers outside their own country", says Alex Nenov one of the WebHostTalk.EU founders.

The Web Host Talk set some innovative rules for the hosting industry. Members that have good posting history are entitled to free advertising through 468x60 banners, site wide at the bottom of the forums. They are also allowed to post offers in advertising sections every on daily basis.

To forums however require a 50 other members to feature their offers after the last one posted by anyone.

The WebHostTalk.EU is owned and moderated under agreement signed by group of webmasters with significant experience in the web hosting market. The forums will not accept paid advertisements until September 2006. The moderators say they want to create a real professional community before start featuring ads within the forums.

The Forums's team announced the forum will not compete to other popular web hosting forums. The WebHostTalk.EU announced it wanted to express its staff appreciation to industry leading web hosting forums such as WebHostingTalk.com and WebHostingTalk.com.au. A links to both forums will be added to WebHostTalk.eu. A links both forums will be added to the European hosting forums.

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