
New sqlSentry v2.7 Receives High Honor

02:08:31 - 16 June 2006

Brad McGehee, SQL Server Expert, reviews newversion and honors sqlSentry as “Recommended by SQL-Server-Performance.com.”

CHARLOTTE – sqlSentry, a leading developer of management solutions for Microsoft SQL Server, announces that sqlSentry v2.7 has been reviewed in-depth and earned the designation as a “Recommended by SQL-Server-Performance.com” product. sqlSentry increases database administrator (DBA) productivity via an innovative visual user interface for managing scheduled event activity across the enterprise, coupled with the most robust notification system available today for SQL Server. It allows the busy DBA to significantly reduce the time spent on daily operational tasks and concentrate on the strategic management of their SQL Server

The new version, sqlSentry v2.7, introduces a new graphical user interface (GUI) for easily creating and managing scheduled event chains. “Our team is thrilled that sqlSentry has achieved this honor from such a noted expert.” said Nick Harshbarger, Vice-President Sales and Marketing at sqlSentry. “SQL Server MVPs like Brad recognize that sqlSentry gives unprecedented visibility and control over what’s happening in their enterprise and allows them to optimize SQL Server performance.”

“sqlSentry is an exciting and feature rich product that clearly earned the Recommended by SQL-Server-Performance.Com designation. Only the best SQL Server software, after an exhaustive, in-depth review for the purpose of verifying that the product does what it claims to do, earns this recognition. For sqlSentry the conclusion was a resounding "yes" on all points,” said Brad McGehee, SQL Server MVP and Author.

“This is software that we personally and highly recommend to SQL Server DBAs. If you have many SQL Servers, and especially if your jobs are complex, sqlSentry will quickly pay for itself in time saved. Implemented correctly, it will help to improve your SQL Server's performance, reduce downtime, lower database administration costs, and because you will be able to get more out of your existing resources, it will reduce your hardware and software costs,” said Brad.

“Managing a large SQL Server enterprise requires a daily trade off between maintenance chores and strategic efforts,” said Greg Gonzalez, sqlSentry Product Manager. “The time lost on routine daily maintenance chores can be recovered using sqlSentry, and used on valuable strategic efforts to improve your SQL Server enterprise. The new GUI for creating and managing scheduled event chains allows DBAs to easily define logical workflows or multi-job dependencies even across multiple servers. That Brad and other SQL Server experts recognize this value and are so strongly recommending sqlSentry is an exciting and rewarding honor for the sqlSentry team.”

About SQL-Server-Performance.Com
SQL-Server-Performance.Com is an industry leading web site that specializes in providing unique, high-quality information on how users can performance
tune and optimize Microsoft SQL Server. Over 250,000 unique individuals visit
the web site each month for information and advice on SQL Server
performance issues.

The complete review can be found at http://www.sql-serverperformance.

About sqlSentry
At many of the world’s largest corporations, sqlSentry has been delivering
crucial productivity and reliability benefits to their Microsoft SQL Server DBAs.
sqlSentry allows them to leap beyond the daily administration workload and
optimize their SQL Server performance. Headquartered in the suburbs of
Charlotte, NC, sqlSentry is a subsidiary of InterCerve Inc., a Microsoft-centric
development organization that services many Fortune 500 companies.
sqlSentry’s products and services are sold and supported directly and via
authorized resellers and partners around the globe. More information is
available at www.sqlSentry.net.

All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein
belong to their respective companies.


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