
Using APM Tools To Maximize Your Business’s Effectiveness

2017-03-13by Milena Stovic

What APM Tools Do

There are quite a few aspects of functionality incorporated with the proper performance of your website. One of the best innovations that comes collaterally with the internet is in the form of metrics. These metrics can be tracked, modified, streamlined, and refined using Application Performance Management tools.

APM tools allow you to increase the performance of individual transactions or web requests. APM tools help you manage usage and effectiveness for things like databases, web services, caching, and other supporting structures applications depend on. These tools can examine things in detail, all the way to specified code lines. Code performance can also be profiled.

You’re also going to need to keep an eye on things like CPU usage, memory, and the like—APM tools assist with these as well. Custom applications can have metrics analyzed, and that includes log data, errors, and real user monitoring. JMX, mBeans, and other performance counters help you to understand what works, what doesn’t, and what must be changed.

According to Stackify.com, “There are a wide range of application performance management tools and monitoring tools on the market available for developers, devops teams, and traditional IT operations.” The difficulty comes in parsing through so many different means of categorizing your website. Different sites will have needs for different metrics.

How APM Works In Different Applications

A great example is video content as opposed to images, or written content. There’s a difference between a video being viewed, and a webpage with a video on it being viewed. You want APM tools that can parse the difference so you can tell whether the visibility you’re getting is effective. If you’ve got a thousand page views and no video views, what use is the vid?

At the same time, if your marketing putsch has to do with pictorial ads, or written content, there are different metrics involved; things like length of page view, whether or not something is clicked on, etcetera. You’ve got to be able to get the numbers for your specific needs. The right suite of tools can do this for you in a cohesive way that saves time.

A great way to save such time with applications of this kind is to start consolidating from the very beginning. Use APM tools while you’re designing your website and you can ensure it is constructed to its maximum effectiveness. But before you use a certain tool suite, you want to look at the core behind that particular APM solution’s own development.

Is the tool designed primarily for larger businesses? This could make it more or less right for your operations. Or is the tool—like Stackify’s APM suite—more geared at developers? There’s going to be a difference in tool suites designed specifically for development, or post development.

Going Forward

Once you’ve figured out which tools will best support your service, you want to establish continual patterns of examination and improvement facilitation. Technology is in continuous development, and new solutions are behind every corner. You must remain abreast of those transitions or suffer lags in performance.

A great white shark must keep swimming or it dies. Business is very similar; except substitute “profit” for “swimming”. Stagnation is the stage before declination, which is the stage before bankruptcy. If your business isn’t in continual expansion, it likely has hit a plateau; and the other side of a plateau is usually the declining face.

By using APM tools, you can ensure continuing relevancy in your online presence—which is something increasingly fundamental in a world that increases its internet usage continuously.

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Milena Stovic

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