
Is Your Business Up To Speed On Technology?

2015-12-23by Joyce Morse

Technology has always changed faster than many businesses can adapt.

Today's technology moves at an even faster pace with many systems, programs and processes outdated even before they're implemented.

For your business to keep up and make sure it's not out of the loop, you must know the latest terms and trends on technology.

Internet of Things

The “Internet of Things” has come on strong in the last few years, and it's only going to grow.

For any business, it's important to include this aspect of technology in products or services offered. Customers want to be able to control their items through an app on their tablets and smartphones.

Everything from cars to thermostats implements this concept. Monitor your home while on vacation and change the settings before you get home.

Look at many new gadgets and you'll see they can easily be controlled remotely.

Increased Access to Information

Businesses have more access to information than ever before.

Even as customers complain about systems and apps being too pervasive, they appreciate the benefits provided and live with the consequences.

This access to data allows businesses to learn more about customers and create more accurate analytics.

They learn more than just their buying habits, but can anticipate what they will want and need in the future.

Continued Growth of the Cloud

Access to the cloud has transformed the way many businesses function.

That trend will continue to grow and enable new endeavors. It will allow virtual and real worlds to further merge. The cloud will change how businesses function and operate, further integrating customers in the process.

Big data will continue to play a role in the success of marketing for businesses.

The difference will be in how it is used. Any business that isn't using the cloud will run the risk of being left behind.

This disruptive technology will continue to impact individuals and companies.

The term "disruptive technology" refers to technology that has a major impact on culture, and is one of the terms mentioned in the article, “5 brand new tech terms you need to know right now.”

Smart Machines

Look around and see how much machines can do in today's world.

These devices will continue to advance and become smarter and more involved.

It can already be seen in driverless vehicles and will spread into other areas where robots can replace humans to be more efficient and cost effective. Experts expect the trend to advance more than any other era in IT history.

No matter what industry your business is in, if it's not up to speed on technology, it will be left out.

Technology not only improves communication, increases productivity and improves profit; it enhances every aspect of the organization.

These trends impact everything from operations to HR to management to customer service.

With such a strong impact, business owners and managers can't afford to be left behind.

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Joyce Morse

Joyce Morse covers an array of topics, among which include small business, marketing and technology.

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