
Memory Issues In Magento And 3 Common Solutions To Fix Them

2013-09-03by russel adword

Magento Community edition with all his flexibility has a number of issues. It can take up huge amount of memory and fixing it can cost you whole lot of time. In both version 1.6 and 1.7 had been the issue of memory leaks and error. This has been the reason shared hosting is not a Magento thing. Even VPS and dedicated server sometime fell short to cope up with the requirements of Magento. The scalability that cloud hosting provides is all what Magento application needs. Magento cloud is not just reliable but also cheaper than dedicated servers.

When it comes to memory issues related to Magento the most common one “Fatal error: Out of memory”. Under this error you need to allocated more memory to your php.ini and most of the time this alone solves the problem.

Many a time the problem is more than mere memory shortage.Magento is famous for its on going problem of memory leaks though they have worked on it in the recent version. Memory leaks is a problem in almost every software even in the browser you use daily. But when it comes to your online store, this problem can cost you a lot. Worry not, we have 3 solutions below that can help you to resolve these issues.

1) Get in touch with the community:

One of the reason why Magento is known more than the rest of the ecommerce platform due to its large and active community. Magento has recently launched a beta platform named Magento Ask that provides solutions to the problem. You can either fix the problem yourself or if you are not into code-work than you can go a freelancer that can fix it for you.

2) Get Magento Go or Enterprise Edition:

Its obvious that Magento itself wants you to be their enterprise edition customer. If your business is well established and you have surplus budget, going for Magento Go and Enterprise edition can solve the memory problem considerably. Enterprise issue is directly looked after by people in Magento but still there are many application and server related issues they won't help you with.

3) Managed Magento Hosting:

Most of the large ecommerce businesses who though use enterprise edition still hire in-house experts to look after Magento. But for small and medium businesses paying thousands of dollars a month is not feasible at all. Managed hosting have been the best option for them. Under managed hosting you get both server and application level support that find out the reasons of memory leaks and fix it for you. Also, the optimization you get in managed hosting means your magento application will be running with optimum performance.

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russel adword

Cloudways Our Managed Cloud Hosting Solutions include on-demand app deployment, infrastructure management and cloud hosting solutions on self-service / fully-managed IaaS models. View russel adword`s profile for more

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