
Some Simple Facts About Cloud Hosting

2013-08-08by Arijit Jordon

Being one of the most congruent techniques used so far in the realm of online business, cloud hosting emerged as the markedly lucrative technique. Let's peer into a few simple facts about cloud hosting:

An obtrusive tool: Cloud hosting runs on the cloud computing technology which uses cloud servers to run websites on the internet. The technique includes more than one servers working together as one to standardize and maximize hosting services.

Wide variety of cloud hosting plans: With heaps of companies across the globe offering noticeably beneficial plans, the past few years have witnessed many firms like hostingraja constantly ameliorating their services by introducing an array of plans to the clients pertinent to their business, budget constraints and marketing tools.

Cloud hosting: A cost-effective technique:- Requiring no huge server set up or large number of resources it exemplifies to be an efficient and cost-effective technique.

Versatility factor: The most noticeable advantage of cloud hosting is the versatility and flexibility. The user can switch to a plan according to his very own convenience at any time.

Cloud hosting needs no maintenance: Being a spruced up method in the modern world, it acts as an omniscient tool requiring no maintenance in turn assuring the operators of business a sigh of relief as it doesn't hinge on upgrading.

On the expanse of unlimited memory: Apart from the above mentioned data, cloud hosting offers an unlimited storage and an automatic back up thereby deterring the chances of memory loss.

Remarkable loading speed: Being the most submissive technique available in the market today, cloud hosting also assures remarkable loading speed thus cheering the prominent and eminent ones in the realm of online business to the echo.

Best cloud hosting provider:- As though various prominent names in the sector are offering a staunch competition to each other, hostingraja symbolizes to be one of the most coveted brands in the cloud hosting sector.

Cloud hosting allows you to manage peak loads easily, without facing any bandwidth issues, since another server can provide the additional resources in such a case. This is important for e-commerce and sites with large amount of traffic that tend to crash if the website is depending on a single server.

Research has shown that a 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. Just to give you an idea, if an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could potentially cost it $2.5 million in lost sales every year. Cloud hosting facilitates high speed loading of your site, thereby ensuring satisfied customers.

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Arijit Jordon

I am WordPress developer.

http://www.hostingraja-cloud.in/ is nice design I like that design.

Email: cloud@hostingraja.in

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