
Several Reasons My Website Gets Little Traffic

2013-07-03by John McMalcolm

Every website owner hopes to get as many visitors as possible. However, not every one of us gets the amount of traffic we desire.

If your website is not getting enough traffic, you should try to diagnose the problem and make the necessary changes.

Here are four common reasons for low traffic.

1. You Are Not Spending Enough Time and Effort on Your Website

Websites require constant attention in order to succeed. If you are not spending enough time and effort to update and promote your website, you will most likely not get the results you want.

Solution: Most owners of popular websites have to spend months or years improving their websites before they start tasting success. If you want to get more traffic, you have to add fresh materials to your website constantly, use various strategies to promote it and try to provide a more pleasant experience for your visitors.

2. The Topic of Your Website is Too Broad or Boring

Many website owners make the mistake of trying to appeal to an overly wide audience when they are getting started. Actually, you will have a better chance of gaining more traffic if you keep your website focused on a more specialized topic. Also, if you choose a topic that is of little interest to people, you will have a hard time drawing visitors.

Solution: When you are choosing a topic for your website, you should not select one that is so specialized that it gives you a target audience of only one or two thousand people or so broad that you find yourself in direct competition with the big players. For instance, instead of reaching out to general apparel buyers, try to appeal to buyers of men's clothes or seasonal clothes. To make the topic of your website more interesting, you can either use some humor or choose a different topic altogether.

3. Your Content is Not Engaging or Helpful

Most people visit websites to look for information that is interesting or helpful to them. If your content is not engaging or helpful, it will be more difficult for you to draw people to your website. 

Solution: Make sure that the blog posts or articles in your website are well-written and free of errors. They should also provide useful information about the topic of your website or your products or services. If you are unable to write the blog posts or articles yourself, you can hire a professional writer to do it.

4. You Are Trying to Get Traffic from the Wrong Sources

You may be making all the right moves to promote your website, but you will not get the traffic you deserve if you are marketing your website in the wrong places.

Solution: A traffic source that works for one website may not produce the same results for another. Find out which traffic sources are most frequently visited by the kind of people you are targeting. For instance, if you wish to reach out to businesspeople and professionals, you will get better results if you promote your website on LinkedIn.

Now that you know some of the possible problems that can lead to low traffic, you can take effective measures to unleash the true potential of your website.

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John McMalcolm

John McMalcolm is a freelance writer who writes on a wide range of subjects, from social media marketing to Cloud computing.

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