
SAP Hosting Offers Organizations And Businesses A Powerful Alternative

2013-03-29by Jesse Landry

The SAP software landscape is vital to businesses of all sizes. More and more companies are finding that they just can’t afford the continual cost of server upkeep and hardware maintenance required to operate this powerful application suite. So the question many professionals are asking internally is “when is it time to move to SAP cloud hosting?”

There are a multitude of things to consider when choosing whether to continue upkeep on in-house servers or switch to SAP hosting from a cloud computing provider. The following is a small sampling of factors to consider.


Your IT department at one point purchased an expensive set of hardware to manage your SAP environment but over time it has become unstable and needs a serious upgrade and/or overhaul. This is an expensive endeavor, and the frustrating thing is that it will never cease. It’s a constant and costly cycle of server maintenance and upgrades required to keep things operational as time passes and your company grows and expands.

SAP hosting offers your organization access to state-of-the-art server environments at a low monthly fee. Software hosting providers manage large scale servers and sub out their server space to many different companies and organizations. Because of this scalable IT model, it becomes much more affordable for all businesses involved. Running this equipment and keeping it functional in-house requires hefty hardware purchases and a dedicated IT staff which can be quite costly. SAP hosting offers a way out of this by moving the burden of server upkeep to a third-party.


With in-house servers, your organization has a limit to how much it can do before needing to completely overhaul systems and hardware. As business increases, your company needs room to grow. SAP hosting offers a scalable service that can expand at an even pace with your business. With SAP in the cloud you will only pay for what you need. When your needs expand, so can your SAP hosting services in a quick and easy fashion. No more needing to purchase and implement an additional server system to run your new office branch, instead you will simply add users to your existing SAP hosting package for a small monthly fee.


SAP hosting offers a peace-of-mind that is unobtainable by many SMBs and organizations running the powerful enterprise software suite. Data protection and risk is constantly on the minds of executives and IT professionals on every level, as the information technology era we live in is hinged on the operation of important applications. SAP hosting alleviates this concern by providing a level of security that is unmatched.

Only the top 2% of large businesses in the world are able to afford the levels of data protection and security that certified hosting providers can offer. With HIPAA compliant and expert engineers who are tasked with nothing more than monitoring your data 24/7, your organization can rest easy knowing their data is safe. Backups are done in a redundant fashion and data centers are run with backup generators so that power failure can never disrupt your office. The level of security with an offsite SAP hosting provider is unparalleled, and illustrates one of the key advantages to software hosting in the cloud.

This is but a brief list of the benefits that SAP hosting is offering organizations and businesses of all sizes. Infinite expansion, unlimited support, expert engineers utilizing state-of-the-art server security protocols, data backed up constantly, enterprise-class servers at your finger tips; all of this for a fraction of the cost. SAP hosting offers an excellent example of how software in the cloud can benefit businesses and professionals.

 SAP hosting from InsynQ

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Jesse Landry

InsynQ Jesse is a marketing specialist for a cloud hosting company offering hosted software services to businesses and professionals across the U.S. and Canada. View Jesse Landry`s profile for more

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