
Key Factors To Reduce Global Cloud Security Concerns

2012-06-26by Cloudways

Internet security has always been a matter of concern for everybody and therefore computer savvy people try and test different ways out to make Internet environment safe and secure. With this thought in mind cloud service providers also work out ways to safeguard their clouds they have been managing for their clients from thefts like spamming and hacking.

Moreover, security threats are important to deal with because it would interrupt other organizations to choose for cloud services further.

Although, cloud providers assure of a flexible and green cloud environment to their users, it is the security concerns that they need to focus upon. Is your cloud secure? If proper security tools are incorporated and there is watchful monitoring, yes your cloud is stored in a secured environment.

Nevertheless, even with all the things in shape how would you attain that extremely satiated feeling that your cloud is safe and is well monitored? Let us find out what answers cloud providers have for this kind of situation. Although, a well organized and strong encryption code is the key to all such worries not every cloud provider is efficient enough to deliver it.

As stated by speaker Gerard M. Stegmaier, attorney with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati,

"Cloud computing involves complex relationships with numerous legal and marketplace realities."

Threats to Global Cloud Security
Unprofessional cloud workforce is the prime reason for cloud not functioning in the right way.

Improper deployment of tools is one factor that can transform cloud into a disaster.

Week data encryption is the second thing that triggers security of any cloud storage facility.

Yet another reason for raising cloud security concerns amongst users is that they don't know at which location their data is secured at. It is one of the biggest threats in cloud computing because users don't know about the where about of their data.

Solutions to Cloud Security

Having a proper disaster recovery and data backup plan is a must for cloud to be secured. The latest crash of Amazon cloud is the best example that can be taken to study what aftermaths does insecure cloud environment can bring for hosts as well as the end users.

Building a strong data encryption plan is also required for
safeguarding cloud of a particular organization. Encryption as discussed earlier is a way to hide all the confidential data for unauthorized parties. But due to increased criminal offenses, this method also needs transformation. However, designing strong encrypted layers could be the solution to tackle global cloud security concerns.

Cloud migration is a challenging field and needs to be well monitored.

Suppose, you plan to migrate your services on cloud. You pay for managed cloud services but in between your data gets leaked because your cloud providers didn't install security tools to the cloud storage. What you get is monetary losses and huge loss in terms of market reputation. So, hiring a reputed and knowledgeable cloud provider can help you prevent such fallacies.

One more important thing that can safeguard your cloud completely is being aware. At the time, when you avail managed cloud services make sure that there is not even a single loop that you leave behind before you start working your operations on cloud. Ask as many questions to your cloud provider about how will it work, or how are you going to be benefitted etc so on and so forth. This would not only enlighten you about what and how exactly cloud functions but will keep you in loop all the time.

So, hopefully the factors discussed above might be useful for you to choose managed cloud services. Get your operations on cloud and see your businesses reach at benchmark levels you haven't seen for years.

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Author writes in cloud management area for various "Manage Cloud" blogs and websites. His special focus is on how "WordPress Cloud Hosting" and Joomla Cloud Hosting can help business in turning their Joomla and WordPress hosted sites into scalable platforms.
cloud management service: http://www.cloudways.com/en/
WordPress Cloud Hosting: http://www.cloudways.com/en/wordpress-cloud-hosting.php


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