Shibi s

Shibi s

SEO analyst at Wiinnova Software Labs

Posts by Shibi s

Benefits Of Using An Online Bug Tracking System
by Shibi s - 2020-07-03 15:01:31 in General Information

When a software program or an application does not work the way it is created or designed to perform, it is called a software bug. In most cases, these errors are caused by developers or designers. The software testing team uses bug tracking software to keep a track of bugs and to report them as the program is being tested


Benefits Of Net Promoter Score
by Shibi s - 2019-10-04 07:53:48 in General Information

Net Promoter Score is a loyalty metric used to measure the rate at which customers would refer the company’s products or services to their friends and family. Net Promoter Score is a proxy for gauging the customer’s overall satisfaction and is different from customer satisfaction. Though Customer Satisfaction Score is intricately related to Net Promoter Score, the two are different in essence. The former checks how satisfied a customer is, he/ she may like your brand, but might like some other brand more and might buy from other brands when their deals are better. A Promoter, on the other hand, not only sticks to your brand but advocates for it as well.
