Russ Mate

Russ Mate
Russ Mate is President of MateMedia, Inc.
MateMedia offers the following services:Web Hosting, Web Design & Development,Search Engine Optimization, Domain Name Registration http://www.matemediainc.com
Toll Free 1-877-309-7521
Posts by Russ Mate

10 helpful tips to follow when switching web hosts
by Russ Mate - 2004-02-25 00:00:00 in Choose your Host

You've made your decision to move from your website from your current web host to a new web host. ...more

Web Hosting: Shared or Dedicated - Which should you choose?
by Russ Mate - 2004-02-24 00:00:00 in Basics

Before you begin your search for a web host you should first determine whether you need shared web hosting or dedicated web hosting. ...more