The green web hosting options have expanded quite a bit in recent months. Which one should you choose? Well, right now it appears that the primary discriminator is the method by which they power their datacenters. One group buys Renewable Energy Certificates; these insure that the power they use is generated in an ecofriendly manner. This is typically wind or solar, but it could also be biogas or geothermal as well. The second group actually generates their own power directly from renewable energy, usually wind and solar. ...more
There are basically three primary options when selecting your web hosting platform. Shared Hosting, consisting of Unix and Windows based, and the third is Dedicated Servers. Below are brief explanations of each and how one makes their selection. ...more
How to Switch Web Hosting Companies Without Downtime....more
There are a lot of small business owners that we talk to that are not happy with the results of the website that they paid a web site design company to build for them, or the traffic they paid an internet marketer to generate....more
As the owner of a network of web hosting information sites, I often get asked “Which Web Hosting Company should I go with?”. Most people are pretty disappointed by my answer. This is a question that requires a lot of additional questions. Which web hosting company is right for your website depends on many factors. What platform does your site run on? Which language was it written in? Is it a business or personal site? How critical is occasional downtime? How web savy are you? What is your budget? How much traffic does the site get?...more
The difference between search engine optimization(seo) and search engine marketing(sem) is money. Optimization is the art of getting ranked high in the organic(free) listings of a major search engine for the keywords for want. This provides free very targeted traffic to your website. Search engine marketing is paying not placements in a major search engine. Google, Yahoo, and MSN are the three major search engines with Google by the largest by far. ...more
There are some obvious ways to reduce the amount of support tickets like not overselling, but there are two ways that are often overlooked. Verifying every signup and providing quality web hosting support tutorials are 2 excellent ways to reduce the amount of support calls you receive. ...more
Free publicity in the form of a press release has been one angle that many web hosts have taken advantage of recently. The trend has been to submit releases to the two biggest media sources covering the hosting industry are and Of course submitting to those outlets might not be addressing the target market you are looking for as a start up hosting company. ...more
The reality for many small one man web hosting outfits is a life in which one must wear several different hats, sometimes all at once. This article takes a look at an all too familiar buzzword in the form of automation. ...more